
Etrat Bootorab Charity; the third place of Aras National Contest of Spaghetti Bridge hold in Tabriz

Etrat Bootorab Charity; the third place of Aras National Contest of Spaghetti Bridge hold in Tabriz
The honorary children of Etrat Bootorab Charity won the third place in Aras National Contest of Spaghetti Bridge hold in Tabriz.

TEHRAN, (BCI) - According to the Public Relations Department, the students of Etrat Bootorab Charity won and take the third place of Aras National Contest of Spaghetti Bridge hold in Tabriz. The student team, which consisted of 4 collegians, won the third place. The weight of the structure was 493.4 kg and its weight of tolerance was 741 kg.



Bootorab Charity was attended by six structures. Tabriz Roshdieh and Azad Islamshahr won the first and second positions, respectively. The 26th, 31st and 32nd ranks in student competitions, 20th in the efficiency trend, 3rd and 11th in the heavy trend.

For these competitions, the executive manager presented the awards and sculptures, to Mr. Sajjad Hasanlu, the representative of the institute in West Azerbaijan province. On Friday, the commemoration ceremony will be held at the Friday prayers of Khoy.

Bootorab charity payed the fees of all teams of students, in the form of a student team and two collegian teams, for attending at the workshops and were prepared to attend and participate in this competition. The first training class of three teams was formed in early July in the Seyyed Sadroddin Seyyedi's school.

It is worth mentioning that the first Aras National Contest of Spaghetti Bridge was held in Tabriz, on July 26th-28th, with the cooperation of the Tabriz Roshdiyeh Institute and "Iran Kharpa", the National Association of Spaghetti Bridge. 268 teams from reputable universities throughout the country participated in these races.



It is hoped that this success will be the basis for the progress and significant presence of children in other fields of science and education.

Aug 1, 2017 11:07
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