
During a meeting with families, the gifts were dedicated to the devoted mothers

During a meeting with families, the gifts  were dedicated to the devoted mothers
At the same time as the Great Eid of the Prophet (peace be upon him), 4294 gifts were dedicated to Bootorab's hero.

According to the Bootorab Institution Public Relationsthe director, supporter and member of the board of directors of the Bootorab Institution, attended the Kermanshah province, with thirty families
Ali Asghar Javanshir, the CEO of Bootorab, who traveled to Kermanshah province to celebrate the heroic and dedicated mothers of Bootorab, listened to their problems during a visit to families.

Bootorab's mothers' gifts also included two crystals for each family., during a meeting with officials and members of the Bootorab Institution with the families in each province, 4294  gifts were presented to Bootorab's mothers. 2 Crystals are presented to 3534 champion mothers and 400 washing machines, 300 vacuum cleaners and 60 water heaters to 760 Bootorab's devoted mothers in 6 provinces of Bootorab.

Mar 13, 2021 12:00
PR |
Number of visit : 357


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