
A new movement with the self -sufficiency of the target community in the form of supportive employment

A new movement with the self -sufficiency of the target community in the form of supportive employment
500 grants are granted to create home business for 500 Bootorab mothers.

According to Bootorab Bootorab Institution Public Relations, in order to self -sufficiency and empowerment of families of Bootorab Bootorab Institution Institution, based on an agreement and the participation of the Imam Khomeini Relief foundation 500 mothers of Bootorab, small jobs were developed. In addition, by monitoring the implementation of the design and purchasing the equipment and tools required by 50 million Rials per project be implemented and operational.

These projects, often in the field of home business and handicrafts, and job and manufacturing projects.
Next year, 500 other conditions and mechanisms will be implemented for 500 eligible mothers.

Feb 17, 2021 15:01
PR |
Number of visit : 389


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