
Mina, ranked 90th in the field of art in the 1401 national entrance exam:

Walking in the goal path is a kind of success

Walking in the goal path is a kind of success
You have to learn how to make your world of beauty and childhood bigger and bigger so that your experiences can be seen side by
side so that there will be a place for you in the future in life, you who are a great and successful person, you who are like no one

This year, the children of Bootorab, by obtaining ranks under 1000 in the national entrance exam, showed that hardships and problems do not prevent them from achieving their lofty goals, but these difficulties open the way for a bright tomorrow.

Mina is one of the 6 successful children of Bootorab, who is present at the head office of the institution with her sister to participate in the opening ceremony of the Bootorab educational complex.



My name is Mina, born in February 1382. I was born in a family with 7 members. I lost my father at the age of 14. I am the last child in the family and I live with my mother, I have two sisters and two brothers older than me.

Since childhood, I had a special interest and talent in painting and other art fields. When I reached middle school and the time to choose my field, I decided to enter a field that I really belong to.

 At first, my family left me free to choose my field, but then they opposed it because of the words they heard because of the ignorance of the people around me, but I was able to convince them that I intend to enter a field that I will know about myself in the future, and finally I succeeded by studying in My favorite subject is to get the 90th rank in the art exam. During the year, I expected myself to be accepted with a rank below 50, but because I did not have a good time for the entrance exam, I could not answer the English questions.


When I entered the graphics department at the art school, I did not know anything about the art entrance exam. At the beginning of the third year, I heard that there is an entrance exam for my field. I started reading textbooks from June. After two months of continuous study, in July I had a date with one of my friends who had just taken the art entrance exam. From that day on, I realized that the art entrance exam is not what I thought it was, and it is much wider than I imagined, and only ten percent of the books I studied, contain art entrance exam.

Since the space at home was not suitable for studying, I decided to go to the library. In the library, there were girls who were studying for the entrance exam, I got help from them .Since then, I have been studying for 9 to 11 hours a day.


I was always interested in learning; even there were days when I assumed my room was a classroom and practiced languages and other subjects with

.myself. I am also very interested in math and sports. Before the spread of the corona virus, I was active in karate, boxing and swimming


A memory of father

My father's death was my saddest memory, the longings started, my sorrows increased, I broke down, but sadness was not enough for my goals and me. I kept my father’s advice that he always whispered in and I always carried them. I became a girl who stood on her own feet, I am not afraid of falling down and I gain experience, because of this, problems, sorrows, lack of money, etc. never knocked me down and I was able to leave everything behind and make the most of what I have. .


Success from your point of view

I do not see success only in winning. In my opinion, walking is also a kind of success and the person who moves and strives towards his goal is a successful person, whether he wins or fails, and that means happiness.

The most important factor in my success and every one of the successful candidates are themselves first and then the people around them because we are the ones who have to try and not get tired and have the will.

My family and the people around me played a role in my success, they encouraged me to study and understood me a lot, their existence gave me peace and now I present my success to all my future students. They were my goal and because of them, I did not feel tired. There are many problems in life, sometimes they can knock you down and sometimes you can stand strong with them.


 The greatest goal in life

My biggest goal comes from the sum of my small goals, these small goals lead me and I see myself in the future, as an old woman far from all worldly desires who has something for my future students.
I like to be the first student in the university and continue my studies as long as I can.

I want to become a professional painter or graphic artist in the future, to have an exhibition for my works. I am skilled in the fields of music, theater, painting, sports, computer, design, reading and storytelling, and I would like to reach the highest level of expertise in these fields and be able to teach my children, both materially and intellectually and support them.


Getting to know Bootorab Institution

I have known Bootorab Institution since 1399 and I always considered Bootorab Institution as a supporter of students, their attention to education was so much that it surprised and pleased I and I would like the number of such people to increase in the society.

The camp we had with the institution a few days ago was one of my good and memorable memories and it made me more than happy. The staff and founders of Bootorab Institution were always very good people in my opinion, and I would have liked to see the founders and officials of Bootorab institution up close, but after meeting with them, the amount of good that I had defined in my mind was very small. They were People with a rich spirit. They were good and beautiful and their origin was beauty…


Advice for Bootorab's children 

As one of several thousand children of Bootorab, my message to all children of Bootorab is to stand on your own feet, learn from failures and do not allow unpleasant events to happen again, and always enjoy being with good friends.


Last word

I want to dedicate my last words to the children and friends of Bootorab.

 You have to learn how to make the world of your beauty and childhood bigger and bigger so that your experiences can be seen side by side so that there will be a place for you in life in the future, you who are a great and successful person, you who are like no one else.   


Sep 25, 2022 13:57
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Number of visit : 513


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