
Sarah, owner of 28 sports medals: Life is as karate

Sarah, owner of 28 sports medals: Life is as karate
She considers life as karate; if you do not have courage, you will not get points from life. To get whatever you want, you have to fight bravely and do not be afraid to hit and fall down.

Her name is Sarah, 13 years old from Ilam, she joined Bootorab Institution 5 years ago and is now one of the most successful children. Before she turn in to one-year old, her father passed away, and her mother became the only supporter of her life.


Sarah talks about the hardships and the cruelties of life. From the empty place of his father, who has no image of him in her memory. She has no memory of her father's hugs, caresses and kisses. However, she misses him. Everyone thinks her face looks like her father and she is very happy about it.

Sarah is a karate champion and has a black belt in Shotokan style karate. She has 28 gold, silver and bronze medals in international, Asian, national and provincial competitions are among the honors won by this young champion. In the first national competition with three games, she took the second place and this motivated her to try harder to win higher positions.


 A hero who entered this sport since she was six years old because of her interest in karate. According to herself, karate gives courage to a person.

She considers life as karate; if you do not have courage, you will not get points from life. To get whatever you want, you have to fight bravely and do not be afraid to hit and fall down.


Along with sports and studies, she is seriously engaged in learning English. she is very interested in relying on her abilities and with faith in God and trusting in her inexhaustible strength, her mother is her only  strong supporter  and she does her best to achieve her dreams and make her proud.

she considers life beautiful when it is based on her own effort and ability, not relying on others. From her point of view, happiness is nothing but the satisfaction of God and family and a smile on the mother's lips. She considers herself the happiest girl in the world. she is cheerful and exciting.

It is interesting that she says that she writes her goals in a notebook and constantly looks at it and tries her best to achieve these goals. One of these goals is to win a place in the Olympics and another one that he talks about with enthusiasm is that she wants to become a psychiatrist.

she hopes and advises her friends in Bootorab that by relying on hope and trust in God in all difficult situations, she can get out of the problems, she can become the hero of her life and her family by believing in her abilities and talents.

 Sarah wishes everyone a happy heart and smiling lips, success and well-being for the new year, and appreciates and thanks the efforts of a mother who has made many sacrifices and endured many hardships for the success of her only child and has been her supporter always and everywhere, as well as the efforts of the coach. She is grateful to her kind teacher, Mrs. Radmanesh, who played a big role in his self-confidence. She considers herself indebted to the hard work and kindness of all those whose financial support and encouragement are very precious and valuable in Bootorab Institution.


We wish dear Sarah success in the upcoming competitions that will be held in Tehran and we hope to see more achievements and higher positions from this dear girl.
A few weeks after this interview, we found out that the young athlete of Bootorab Institution won three gold, silver and bronze medals in the national karate competition.



Mar 21, 2022 11:52
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Number of visit : 497


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